Northern Lights Resources Corp.
Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Northern Lights Resources Corp is a growth-oriented exploration and development company that is currently advancing two projects: The 100% owned, Secret Pass Gold Project located in Arizona.
In December 2022 the Company sold its remaining 25 % option on the Medicine Springs, a high grade silver-zinc-lead Project located in Elko County Nevada to Reyna Silver Corp of Vancouver for 6,000,000 common shares of Reyna Silver Corp, US $100,000 in cash and a 1% NSR.
Northern Lights Resources trades under the ticker of “NLR” on the CSE. This and other Northern Lights Resources news releases and project details can be viewed at and
Northern Lights Resources Corp. (NLR)
SEDAR Information
Information d'entreprise
2022-0524 – Modifié - Consolidation - Northern Lights Resources Corp. (NLR)
le 20 mai/May 2022
Further to bulletin 2022-0517 – Consolidation - Northern Lights Resources Corp. (NLR) the issuer has moved the record date to May 26th, 2022.
Shares will trade on a consolidated basis on May 25, 2022.