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Notice 2007-001 - Repeal of Rule 10 - Sales Practices

January 5, 2007

On December 22, 2006 the Ontario Securities Commission approved CNQ's proposed repeal of Rule 10 - Sales Practices.  The repeal is effective immediately.

On August 21, 2006 the Investment Dealers Association published Member Regulation Notice MR0418 - Improper Sales Practices.  The IDA Notice was issued as a reminder to IDA Members that such practices, in any market, are contrary to IDA By-law 29.1 in general, and to other specific provisions of the By-laws and Regulations, specifically suitability provisions.

The proposed repeal was published for comment on August 28, 2006 in CNQ Notice 2006-004.   No formal comments were received.

Please direct any questions to:
Mark Faulkner, Director, Listings & Regulation at 416.572.2000 x2305, or